Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Catholic Church has Wide-Reaching Influences

Since writing my book Institutional Racism and the Catholic Church, I've been reaching out to the Catholic press to publish articles, and to date no one will accept a feature article. My requests for interviews have also not been responded to. Recently, a significant Catholic magazine first agreed to place an ad for my book in their online publication, then rescinded that approval. Here was the ad graphic:

Although the Catholic Church has wide-reaching influences, I am hopeful that some agency/group/influential individual will become aware of my book and respond regardless of the title.  Bottom-up Catholics are afraid to openly criticize the church, and the hierarchy, fearful of losing influence, has been successful intimidating its underlings. 

A case in point is Father Bryan N. Massingale, the author of RACIAL JUSTICE and the CATHOLIC CHURCH.  If you recall, I used him as a source in the racism book.  He is in "left field" all by himself.  When I have mentioned his name in conversation with Catholics, lay and religious, they raise their eyebrows and clam up.  He is an associate professor at Marquette University and from all appearances, he is respected by his predominately white students.  I suspect that his salary is augmented by his numerous speaking engagements that are not well publicized.

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